7 Signs Of A Alternator Going Bad

Having some issues like dim or overly bright lights or heard whining noises? Well, it could be the signs of a alternator going bad. If you yet know what exactly does an alternator does, it simple keeps your vehicle battery charged. This in turn allows you to turn on electronic accessories such as your vehicle’s headlights.

In this blog post, we will go over 7 signs of a alternator going bad. Let’s start off with the first sign.

signs of a alternator going bad

7 Signs Of A Alternator Going Bad


A dead battery is a sign that your alternator is malfunctioning.

An engine is not able to adequately charge the battery when the alternator isn’t functioning properly. The charging process will take longer than usual.

To figure out if the problem is related to the battery or the alternator, jump-start the car.

Your battery should be replaced when it no longer starts your car or if it’s not holding charge any more.

Even though starting the car may seem to fix the issue, it could also be a sign that your alternator is not getting enough power to the battery.


When an alternator fails, it provides inconsistent voltage to your electronic accessories.

Usually, that’s a sign of defective equipment, like headlights that are either too dim or excessively bright. Generally, that means under- or over-performing equipment. 


When your vehicle’s alternator isn’t supplying enough power to your car’s electronics it can result in slow or non-working accessories. You may have an alternator problem if you notice that your windows take longer than usual to roll up and down, or if your seats seem to feel warmer than they should. You could also notice your speedometer and other instruments go out of whack.

Most vehicles now have an onboard computer that checks a priority list of equipment and tells it when the alternator is not working, and it will shut off the engine.

In this way, if you’re driving with a failing alternator, you’ll lose power to your radio or other non-essential accessories first, and only later lose power to your headlights.


If you hear any kind of sounds or growls coming from your engine, chances are, you might have a problem with your alternator. This could be due to the whining noise comes from the belt that turns the alternator’s pulley.

If you hear this sound, your rotors will probably be going bad. They need to be replaced to keep your car running smoothly.


Having trouble starting your truck or bus may mean that your alternator is failing to charge the battery. When you hear that clicking sound, your car is leaking coolant. You should check the level of coolant in your engine.

In addition, your vehicle may have other problems, such as an air intake or exhaust valve that is sticking, or your fuel injectors are faulty. If these are your symptoms, contact your local car repair shop for more information. A stalled vehicle engine may also be a sign of poor spark plug health.


When the battery warning light pops up on the dashboard, it’s typically mistaken to be a battery-specific issue.

Your battery warning light could indicate that there is a problem within the electrical system of your car, but it could also indicate that you are low on power.

If your alternator isn’t working right, it may lose all or part of its charge, and if that happens, it could cause your battery warning light to come on.

A faulty battery may show up as a dimming alternator light, but your battery light may be showing a different issue, so don’t jump to conclusions just yet.


A strong smell of burning rubber or burning wires could indicate that parts of your engine are wearing out.

Because the alternator’s drive belt is constantly under tension and friction, and is very close to the hot engine, it may begin to burn or emit an unpleasant smell.

If your alternator is being worked hard or if it has frayed or damaged wires, it may have a burning smell. If this happens, it means that your engine may be in trouble.

Buy Alternator For Trucks And Buses

So, there you have it. The common signs of a alternator going bad are listed in this post, hope this post is beneficial to you.

If your bus or trucks are giving you much trouble, it may be the time to change the alternator. If you own a fleet or requires someone who are reliable to deliver the best alternator to you, you are welcome to connect with us using this page. Our sales rep are trained with deep knowledge to assist you in buying the right alternator for your vehicles types.

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